
Merry Ohler | Investment | Wedding Photographer in Kansas City

Find out the cost of services in Kansas City and beyond. Learn more or inquire for further information.

How much does Wedding Photography cost in Kansas City?

How much does Family Photography cost in Kansas City?

How much does Event Photography cost in Kansas City?

How much does Commercial Photography cost in Kansas City?

investment information | Kansas City Photographer Pricing

kansas city wedding & elopement photography pricing

Most of my traditional wedding couples invest around $5000, depending on the options selected. Elopements (fewer than 10 guests) and intimate weddings (fewer than 20 guests) are available from $2000. Contact me today for availability and detailed pricing.

***Custom Wedding & Elopement options are available upon request. If you love my work and want to work with me, reach out.

***Destination weddings outside of greater Kansas City will include travel costs.

portrait photography pricing

Most of my sessions are $675, including family sessions, maternity sessions, lifestyle newborn sessions, engagement sessions, couple sessions, and graduating senior sessions. Contact me today for availability and pricing for: day-in-the-life photography, studio maternity or newborn photography, and generational photography. Mini sessions are only available during specific seasons on specific days - click mini sessions on the menu to view available options and pricing.

events, branding, & commercial photography

I am available for events, branding, and commercial photography and would be glad to send you a quote to meet your specifications.

Call or email me today to for a detailed quote!

seo, copywriting & ghostwriting services

Contact me today for a quote!

something else

Looking for details on a photo & video combo, band gig, one-to-one coaching or classes, collaborations or something else not listed here? Shoot me an email or give me a call to chat - I'd love to connect with you!


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