family Photographer in liberty, missouri
"Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here."
- Sue Monk Kidd
You might not know...
I'm the oldest of seven.
I drink my coffee black.
I sing about literally everything - like, making coffee. And walking down the stairs.
I'm just as awkward in front of the camera as you.
I once sang at Carnegie Hall.
I'm allergic to baby chicks.
My love for tacos rivals that of my love for coffee…but I’ve switched to hot teas recently. I especially like Harney & Son’s Paris and London Fog teas.
I'm also a writer.
If given the choice, I will always go barefoot.
M + J fav date go-to’s:
Beer Kitchen in Westport (casual dinner)
Coffee and chess at Opera House, Renegade Coffee, or Overflow (day date)
Up-Down (fun)
Our patio + steaks on the grill, a fire in the fire-pit, and Gregory Alan Isakov, The Civil Wars, Will Reagan, or The Sing Team on Spotify [laid back]
Hi there. I'm Merry.
I guess you could say I'm the heart, soul and Storyteller behind the lens here at Merry Ohler Creative. My husband Jamie is the other behind-the-scenes half of our team and I wouldn't have it any other way. He runs all kinds of things for our business. We've been a team ever since we met in our small-town high school - I won't tell you how many years ago. He heard me singing something from Rent in the hallway outside our choir room and the rest is - well, our Story.
We call Kansas City home, and I’m so happy about that because I love our city! Our life can be loud and crazy with our three Littles (Zai, Elle & Ezzy), but we lean into the art of slow living as much as possible. Our favorite days are spent playing outdoors, playing pretend and learning more about the God we serve together.
My heart is to document your story in a way that is unmistakably you.
I pour every ounce of my passion for documenting the real story of your life, creativity, and mastery of still photography into every frame I shoot - so your story will also be told in a way that is unmistakably me.
You might be wondering what makes me different from all of the other photographers in Kansas City who are vying for your attention. Here's the thing:
I am a visual storyteller.
Anyone can pick up a camera and acquire the title of photographer, but few can document the tiny, imperfect moments of your life in an unobtrusive, skillful, and artistic way that portrays the reality of where you are in this season perfectly. Few can document life in a way that makes our eyes fill with tears as we recognize the story of us in every frame.
Your images should make you feel something.
We don’t know how many days we will be given in this life, and photos are a legacy we leave to our children, and their children after them. Photographs hold far more value than the digital “selfie” status we assign the images we snap with our cell phones on a whim and leave to collect figurative dust in the tomb of our digital photo albums.
Photographs should be a window we glance back through, that reveals part of who and where we were in a given moment. They are quite literally the record of us and our great loves. They should not look just like everyone else's pictures. They should be unique and tailored to you and your people. I work hard to create that unexpected, engaging experience for every single couple, family and individual I photograph.
Our stories have the power to change us - and the world around us.
Stories are vital to our very essence. Stop and think about the most defining, impactful moments of your life. Really think about them. I'm willing to bet that nearly every pivotal moment in your life has revolved around a moment of deep connection you felt with another person as one of you were drawn to the other through a story you've shared.
Those connections are my heartbeat.
That's why I am most passionate about images that are more than forced smiles and stiff poses. My heart is to produce work that makes me - and my clients - blink back tears as we are drawn back into the emotion we felt in those moments.
I am here to document real connection, emotions and relationships.
Whether you are a head-over-heels, madly-in-love couple planning your Kansas City wedding (or destination wedding!), a senior standing on the brink of an exciting new chapter in your life, a mama aching to hold her long-awaited little one, a fresh, innovative brand desperate to create meaningful connection with your ideal clients and build loyalty, or a non-profit organization in search of sponsors who connect with you and your mission you need a Storyteller.
And that, Loves?
That's exactly who I am.
A decent camera, skill and talent are only pieces of the whole. There are literally thousands of photographers who can take great images with clean lines, strong composition and compelling subject matter. The difference between one photographer to the next has surprisingly little to do with technical mastery and equipment and everything to do with the heart behind the lens - and how they connect with you to elicit real, meaningful interactions.
That is why I'm here - to serve my clients like only I can - by coaxing out the stories that matter with love and light.
Your stories.
In my bag:
Batteries. So many batteries.
Battery charger x 2
dollars and change
highlighter x 2
***Please note: I only share or recommend products I actually use and love. When I share about those products, I use an Amazon Associate link, which means if you make a purchase through a link found here on my website, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Bucket list:
Ozark Mountains
Prince Edward Island
Pacific Coast
Amalfi Coast