My Motherhood Series: Bethany | Family Photographer Kansas City
Documentary Motherhood Photography
This year, as I thought about goals, I decided to do more personal work that gives me life.
Motherhood is a calling that many women carry, but as my own motherhood journey evolved, I began to realize that women have become stuck in a comparison mentality.
We scroll through our feed and automatically think things like, “Her life is so much more elegant than mine. Her home is always so put together. I’ll bet she never let’s the laundry sit overnight,” or “Why can’t I just get it all together? Her children would never behave like mine. What am I doing wrong?"
As I thought about what I could do to help us dispel the distorted truth we so eagerly consume and embrace, I realized that there actually was something I could do.
I could document motherhood the way it really is.
The tears, the laughter, the dishes, the laundry.
The toys, the cardboard boxes, the pantsless toddlers and the tantrums.
The hard and the good and the simple and the complex.
So that’s exactly what I did.
Loves, I know this topic resonates with every mama heart - because when I brought the mamas who partnered on this with me coffee and they welcomed me into their homes, clean or no, laundry or no, dishes or no, we talked. We forged heart connections.
They told me their stories, and I listened with open heart and mind, and we each came away stronger and encouraged, together.
Dive into a few favorites from my time with Bey and Willow, and soak in the realness you see in these frames.
And let this truth sink into your soul:
comparison is the gateway to isolation.